Accountability to affected populations
Our PSEA rating in the United Nations Partners Portal is full capacity, a recognition of Windle`s efforts in providing a safe environment for the population we serve.

Windle advises individuals/organizations and employees to report any instances of fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement related to Windle International to the Office Hotline 0800720386 and also fill and submit the form. This includes allegations of misconduct involving contracts, grants, public corruption, conflict of interest, and other criminal or serious non-criminal behavior by employees, contractors/sub-contractors, and grantees/sub-grantees.
Windle International (WI) strives to conduct the best possible work based on our motto, “Educationcation Transforms Society.” We believe our organization is most effective when we are held accountable by stakeholders and take responsibility for our actions. By adopting the IASC’s Commitments on Accountability to Affected Populations (CAAP), we affirm our commitment to continually refine our practices based on the input and feedback we receive from affected communities.

This framework defines Windle`s accountability standards by outlining our commitments and the associated expectations and general processes we aim to practice across our programs.

Commitment 1: Leadership/Governance

Demonstrate our commitment to accountability to the affected populations by ensuring feedback and accountability mechanisms are integrated into country strategies, program proposals, monitoring and evaluations, recruitment, staff inductions, training and performance management, partnership agreements, and highlighted in reporting. WIK employees, including senior leadership, inject AAP principles into all project phases. From staff training to project implementation to evaluation, Windle International Kenya embeds AAP into daily operations and institutionalizes those values in our management structure. Windle develops an organizational culture of including beneficiaries in strategy, planning, and decision-making and creates opportunities for learning and growth for our employees.

Commitment 2: Transparency

Provide accessible and timely information to affected populations on organizational procEducationres, structures, and processes that affect them to ensure that they can make informed decisions and choices and facilitate dialogue between the organization and its affected populations concerning the information provision and process. Opaque aid organizations operating under secrecy breed confusion and distrust among the stakeholders. Beneficiaries have a right to know the organization’s agenda, implementation processes, and what to expect as outcomes from the project. Transparency informs the affected community, encourages insightful feedback, and raises our awareness of the beneficiaries’ capabilities in contributing to the project.

Commitment 3: Feedback and Complaints

Actively seek the views of affected populations to improve policy and practice in programming, ensuring feedback and complaints mechanisms are streamlined, appropriate, and robust enough to deal with (communicate, receive, process, respond to, and learn from) complaints about breaches in policy and stakeholder dissatisfaction. Specific issues raised by affected individuals regarding violations and physical abuse that may have human rights and legal, psychological, or other implications should have the same entry point as program-type complaints. Still, procEducationres for handling these should be adapted accordingly. Feedback and complaints mechanisms give voice to the affected community to address issues and areas of improvement safely. During the initial stage of the project, informal mechanisms may serve as the primary means of communication among stakeholders and Windle International Kenya. While these channels may serve their purpose, formal mechanisms mitigate the risks of miscommunication and accidental misplacement of complaints and are preferable. Therefore, installing formal mechanisms and properly Education and promoting the greater community to utilize them is a priority of Windle International. These formal systems must be uniquely tailored to each affected community, considering the communications environment carefully. Equally important is how WIK responds to the complaints and feedback received. Building a reliable system where the community can trust that their requests and suggestions will be considered and receive a response is invaluable to the system’s success.

Commitment 4: Participation

Enable affected populations to play an active role in the decision-making processes that affect them by establishing clear guidelines and practices to engage them appropriately and ensure that the most marginalized and affected are represented and have influence. At times, the marginalized and vulnerable are forgotten in the decision-making process, and keeping them abreast of the situation is different than gaining their participation. WIK is accountable to each affected community member and is committed to ensuring all voices are heard.

Commitment 5: Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Design, monitor, and evaluate the goals and objectives of programs with the involvement of affected populations, providing feedback to the organization on an ongoing basis and reporting on the results of the process. Feedback from the affected community is an invaluable resource for improving or adjusting the project to meet their needs better. In particular, vulnerable people should be involved in the design, monitoring, and evaluation process, as their needs are often overlooked. Windle International can more accurately measure our performance against expectations, outputs, and goals using different approaches and channels to collect feedback and expert advice. Once measured and analyzed, Windle presents the results to the community to find appropriate solutions and change programming decisions.

Online Reporting form

Submit your report to us through one of the methods listed on this page